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Hospice: What to Do When Aging Loved Ones Stop Eating

Hospice: What to Do When Aging Loved Ones Stop Eating

A lot of seniors who are already in their final chapters of life usually stop consuming food. This is something that concerns those who care for these older adults.

A decreased appetite is common among seniors receiving hospice care in Ontario, California. Forcing them to eat is not the answer, but you can address some issues that will help increase their appetite.

  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing.

    Your loved ones may have difficulty chewing and swallowing due to a number of reasons. These may include decreased jaw strength, tooth loss, or a medical condition that needs palliative care, such as certain types of cancer. Preparing soft and easier to eat foods will help.

  • Loss of vision.

    With mild to severe vision loss, seniors cannot see food properly. As a result, they wouldn’t find the food appealing and appetizing. In this case, serving brightly and multi-colored foods may stir up their appetite.

  • Other symptoms such as nausea and constipation.

    Foods become less appealing further if the individuals are suffering from several symptoms. Nobody wants to eat food if they are nauseous or constipated. Call a doctor or a provider of nursing service in California to address this matter.

Beacon Hospice Care can look after your aging family members’ health. For more info, talk to us today!

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