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Maximizing Hospice Care For Your Beloved Senior


The word “hospice” is widely misconstrued and is often associated with impending death in peoples’ imaginations. Contrarily, hospice care emphasizes the patient’s quality of life, their wishes, and those of their family, reducing pain throughout the latter stages of life and in the months before passing away.

Our hospice care in Ontario, California, is a form of medical treatment that focuses on easing the symptoms and pain of terminally ill patients while caring for their emotional and spiritual needs. Hospice care stresses comfort and quality of life by minimizing pain and suffering. It offers an alternative to treatments aimed at extending life that may be challenging, likely to worsen symptoms, or not in line with a person’s desires.

By deliberately choosing hospice, a person can have a voice and some influence during their latter stages of life, which is often the exact opposite of giving up. We have our own choice that is aligned with our beliefs and priorities rather than being dictated by the rules and regulations of the healthcare system. Those who want everything done can and should get that attention, but many prefer a less intrusive route.

With the prevention or treatment of disease and treatment-related symptoms and side effects, we at Beacon Hospice Care offer palliative care to improve the quality of life for persons with life-threatening illnesses.

Our hospice care services are available to people in a specific health situations. If your beloved senior has been diagnosed with a terminal illness or has less than six months to live, they may be eligible for our services. We also provide a nursing service in California.

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