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Essential Tips to Communicate With Terminally Ill Patients


Initiating a conversation with terminally ill loved ones is not an easy feat. However, death is an event that we have to accept, no matter how much we dread the possibility. If you have loved ones who are terminally ill, now is the best time to communicate with them openly about death. How? Check out these tips below.

  • Be open and honest.
    An open and honest communication opens opportunities for your loved ones to share their true feelings about their current health situation. This way, it will be a little easier for you to transition to the topic of death. Communicating openly helps you introduce the idea of palliative care, too. It could be a great help for them, especially in getting the best care in their remaining months.
  • Connect through your actions.
    Communication is not limited to verbal language because the power of touch is an effective way to let them know you are there for them. Connect with them by placing your hand gently on their hand or shoulders while talking to them. Although they couldn’t respond to you, talk to them and express your love for them through your warm touch.
  • Listen for their cue.
    Whether your loved ones need nursing service in California or hospice care, learn to listen to their cue. It is uncomfortable to talk about death even if your loved ones are going through a terminal illness. Listen to what they want or need in their present situation.

Do your loved ones need hospice care in Ontario, California? Our aim at Beacon Hospice Care is to help hospice/palliative care patients feel at ease and in control of their care management. We provide personalized physical, emotional, and spiritual programs. For questions about our agency or services, please call us at 909-608-7555.

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