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Hospice Care: How You Can Prevent Bed Sores

Hospice Care: How You Can Prevent Bed Sores

Also known as pressure ulcers, bedsores are a common complication for someone who is receiving long-term care. If your loved one has a terminal illness, they can also be at risk of bedsores. These skin breakouts need treatment and proper care so that they will not cause any complication and discomfort to your loved one.

As a palliative care provider, our goal is to promote comfort and quality life for individuals in their remaining days. So let us share with you the following tips on how you can prevent bedsores. You can also improve their level of comfort despite the terminal illness they face.

  • Shift their Position Periodically
    The common cause of pressure ulcer is remaining in the same position for a long time. It can be a sitting or lying position. To prevent bedsores, change their position every two hours. If they are lying down, let them lie on their back, left side, or right side, in alternate positions.
  • Provide Cushion
    You can also prevent bedsores when you put a cushion between the skin and the bed or chair surface. The extra cushions reduce the pressure and discomfort.
  • Check the Skin
    It is also helpful to check certain skin parts on a regular basis. Look for softness or discoloration that might lead to bedsores. If your loved one is receiving hospice care in Ontario, California, care providers can check for possible bed sores while under their care.
  • Apply Moisturizers
    Skin moisturizers act as lubricants so that there is lesser pressure or friction between the skin and the bed surface. The drier the skin, the riskier it is for pressure ulcers.
  • Serve Healthy Meals
    Another way to prevent skin ulcers is by serving healthy meals. Ensure that your loved one is able to eat skin-healthy food and help prevent wounds and cracks on the skin.

When bedsores do occur, we can also provide wound care for pressure ulcers as part of our nursing service in California at Beacon Hospice Care. If you need help in caring for your loved one during hospice, we are here to help you.

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