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What Hospice or Palliative Care Can Help You With

What Hospice or Palliative Care Can Help You With

Hospice care entails taking care of someone with a terminal illness typically at their place of residence; this is delivered by hospice providers. Palliative care, on the other hand, is caring for people with a serious illness who have been diagnosed by the doctors to only have a short time to live, often attended to by a team of health professionals in a facility. Collectively, these two are aspects of the broader term of “comfort care.” The distinctive feature of comfort care is that the services it provides not only focuses on easing the physical pain and health complications that come from a terminal illness, but it also integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care.

As a trusted provider of hospice care in Ontario, California, Beacon Hospice Care offers a variety of services to address the needs of a terminally ill patient. We provide the following:

  • Visiting hospice nurse.
    Our nursing service in California helps ensure that the patient’s care plan is properly carried out. The hospice nurse provides the routinary or follow-up care such as administering medication, treating wounds, or checking vital signs.
  • Bereavement support.
    We understand that the terminally ill loved one is not the only one who needs support. The family also does. In these difficult times, we offer counseling and support in the grieving process, as well as assistance with the memorial or chaplain services.
  • Hospice care coordination.
    In providing comfort care, a team effort is needed. Our team includes physicians, nurses, therapists, spiritual counselors, and hospice aides, among others, to ensure that your sick loved one and your family’s needs are met.

These services that we offer embody that distinctive feature of comfort care of not only providing physical comfort to patients but also addressing their and their families’ psychological and/or spiritual needs in such trying times.

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